CIMIC operators in Lebanon convey solidarity to support the weakest sections of the Lebanese population
Lebanon, November, 2021.
The Multinational CIMIC Group CIMIC operators, operating within the UNIFIL mission for the Sector West, continue the aid campaign which, through donations of goods, materials and the realization of specific projects, aims to support the weakest sections of the population. In this context, in full compliance with the containment measures for COVID, a donation of health material was made (Personal Protective Equipment to combat COVID19 contagion, hospital disinfectant and footwear for internal hospital use) in favor of families and Lebanese children who use the services offered by Ayta Ash Sha'b's Social Development Center, in the far south of Lebanon, and who have expressed a deep sense of gratitude towards the contingent and the Italian population. Local Authorities participated in the donation, part of a CIMIC project with an immediate impact, the so called Quick Impact Project (QIP): this event is the first of a series of subsequent donations that will be possible thanks to Italian donors such as the Rotary Club of Vignola-Castelfranco-Bazzano, the Rotary International Passport Club and the Civil Protection of Bassa Romagna. The coordination of Sector West's civil-military cooperation cell allowed the storage, transport and subsequent distribution of materials.
SOURCE: Multinational CIMIC Group