MNCG Operators developed an important quick impact project in the health sector
Lebanon, April, 2022.
The economic crisis and the pandemic made it difficult to find medicines in the land of the cedars. The Multinational CIMIC Group Operators, part of the UNIFIL mission, have recently developed a project, following accurate assessments in the "health" sector, which has been concluded with the delivery of various medicines and a sterilizer oven to the Bint Jubayl hospital, in Southern Lebanon.
After intense coordination with international donors, including Banco Farmaceutico and Roberto Faccani - Civil Protection of Bassaromagna, the CIMIC operators managed to collect the necessary resources for the purchase of the goods intended for the hospital.
The director of the hospital, Dr. Tawfic Faraj, sincerely thanked for the collaboration and support which, in this case, will serve to ease the efforts of the national health system.
SOURCE: Multinational CIMIC Group